DB11 oak beam

3 450  without VAT

1 in stock

uprooted 06/2021, cut 05/22. Stored near Hluboká nad Vltavou. I am a VAT payer. Discount for the whole trunk. In case of interest, please call +420 777 773 887

Weight 140 kg
Dimensions 3470 × 1010 × 80 mm

1 in stock

Additional services

Rozpis ceny:
Základní cena: 3 450,00 Kč
Celková cena: 3 450,00 Kč

We are also able to process the planks to the final product on request. For example, we can dry the selected board and make anything from it, for example a table, including epoxy or tin.

Catalogue number: Categories: Oak

uprooted 06/2021, cut 05/22. Stored near Hluboká nad Vltavou. I am a VAT payer. Discount for the whole trunk. In case of interest, please call +420 777 773 887